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Email Marketing Stats That'll Improve your Email Marketing ROI

Written by Izzy | Dec 31, 2014 3:00:00 AM

Email marketing is a powerful channel for delivering messages directly to your subscribers. According to Direct Marketing, email marketing ROI is 4,300%, making it the most consistent, targeted, effective, inexpensive tool to reach your target audience.

So take a look at these must-know email marketing stats that will help you improve your email campaigns to achieve higher open rates and click rates.

Here is a list of tweetable email marketing stats for you to share

Email Marketing is growing

The number of worldwide email accounts is projected to grow from over 4.1 billion accounts in 2014 to over 5.2 billion accounts by the end of 2018. That’s almost 27% growth. (Source: Radicati Group) [tweet this]

  1. 122,500,453,020 emails are sent every hour. (Source: MarketingProfs) [tweet this]
  2. On average, email lists, subscribers receive 416 commercial emails per month. (Source: Return Path) [tweet this]
  3. 93% of consumers also get at least one permission-based email daily. (Source: ExactTarget) [tweet this]
  4. 69.7% of internet users prefer to communicate with businesses via email. (Source:  eMarketer) [tweet this]
  5. 7 in 10 people say they had made use of a coupon or discount they had learned about through a marketing email in the prior week (35%) or month (33%). (Source: Blue Kangaroo) [tweet this]

Email Marketing Subject Line

  1. 64% of people say they open an e-mail because of the subject line. (Source: Chadwick Martin Bailey) [tweet this]
  2. Marketers report that their most effective emails are mobile opt-ins 76%, birthday emails 75%, and transactional emails 74%. (Source: Pardot[tweet this]
  3. Posts and Jobs are the most clicked subject line words. (HubSpot) [tweet this]
  4. 33% of email recipients open an email based on the subject line alone. (Source: Convince&Convert) [tweet this]
  5. Subject lines that contained terms such as “ROI,” “asset,” and “industry” perform the lowest. (Source: Adestra) [tweet this]
  6. Subject lines with 30 or fewer characters performed above average in opens, clicks, and click-to-opens. (Source: Adestra) [tweet this]
  7. “You/your” were the most common words, used in 18.7% of subject lines, up 3.4% year over year, followed by “off” and “get,” both in 16.6% of emails, and both up 5.2% year over year. (Source: Experian) [tweet this]
  8. Most clicked lead nurturing subject line words include secrets, e-sales, and awesome. (Source: HubSpot) [tweet this]

Email Marketing For Mobiles

  1. 48% of emails are opened on mobile devices. (Source: Litmus) [tweet this]
  2. Only 11% of emails are optimized for mobile. (Source: Litmus) [tweet this]
  3. 69% of mobile users delete emails that aren’t optimized for mobile. (Source: Forbes) [tweet this]
  4. 38% of email is now opened on a mobile device, with 33% for desktop and 29% for webmail. (Source: Litmus) [tweet this]
  5. More than 50% of marketers aren’t optimizing emails for mobile viewing. (Source: MarketingSherpa) [tweet this]
  6. 63% of Americans and 41% of Europeans will close or delete an email not optimized for mobile. (Source: ReturnPath) [tweet this]
  7. 64% of decision-makers read their email via mobile devices. (Source: TopRankBlog) [tweet this]
  8. One-third of marketers say their subscribers read emails on mobile devices at least 50% of the time. (Source: Salesforce) [tweet this]
  9. Only 24% of marketers rarely or never use responsive email design. (Source: Pardot) [tweet this]
  10. 72% of US online adults send or receive personal emails via smartphone at least weekly. (Source: Forrester) [tweet this]
  11. Over 70% of mobile purchasing decisions are influenced by promotional e-mails. (Source: Mark the Marketer) [tweet this]

Email Marketing For Marketers

  1. 73% of marketers agree that email marketing is core to their business. (Source: SalesForce) [tweet this]
  2. 60% of marketers claim that email is a critical enabler of products and services. (Source: Pardot) [tweet this]
  3. 20% of marketers say their business's primary revenue source is directly linked to email operations. (Source: SalesForce) [tweet this]
  4. 43% of businesses have email teams of 2-3 people. (Source: Pardot) [tweet this]
  5. 74% of marketers believe email produces or will produce ROI in the future. (Source: Pardot) [tweet this]
  6. Email marketing delivers the highest ROI (about $44 per dollar spent, on average) of any digital marketing tactic. (SourceMark the Marketer) [tweet this]
  7. Only 8% of companies and agencies have an email marketing team. (Source: Mark the Marketer) [tweet this]
  8. 17% of marketers don’t track or analyze email metrics for their organization. (Source: Mark the Marketer) [tweet this]
  9. 59% of marketers plan to increase their email marketing budgets in 2015. (Source: Pardot) [tweet this]

Email Marketing For B2B & B2C

  1. 72% of B2B buyers are most likely to share useful content via email. (Source: Earnest Agency) [tweet this]
  2. 40% of B2B marketers rated the leads generated by email marketing as high quality. (Source: Software Advice Survey) [tweet this]
  3. The retail apparel industry has the highest proportion of active members (39% opened or clicked an email within 3 months), followed by the business publishing/media general (34%), travel/hospitality travel services (31%), and retail general (30%) segments. (Source: Epsilon) [tweet this]
  4. People who buy products marketed through email spend 138% more than people that do not receive email offers. (Source: Convince and Convert) [tweet this]
  5. 66% of consumers have made a purchase online as a result of an e-mail marketing message. (Source: Direct Marketing Association) [tweet this]

Email Segmentation & Personalization

  1. Click-through rate (CTR) is higher when using the recipient’s first name in the subject line over no use of the first name. (Source: HubSpot) [tweet this]
  2. Personalization of email content yielded the highest average open rate for all email campaigns, with 17.6 percent of all personalized emails being opened. (Source: MailerMailer) [tweet this]
  3. Personalized emails generate up to 6 times higher revenue per email than do non-personalized emails. (Source: Experian Marketing Services) [tweet this]
  4. Personalized emails improve click-through rates by 14% and conversion rates by 10%. (Source: Aberdeen Group) [tweet this]
  5. Segmentation, personalization, recommendations, and the inclusion of custom database fields in email copy drive 360% higher conversion than a generic email message with a personalized salutation. (Source: Gleanster) [tweet this]

Email Marketing Lead Generation

  1. 95% of customers want a brand to pursue them as a customer actively. (Source: Forbes) [tweet this]
  2. 67% of marketers say that email is key for attracting and engaging prospects and the best path to increase marketing ROI (Source: Forbes) [tweet this]
  3. Email marketing as a channel was the third overall lead gen source for marketers in 2013, producing 13% of all leads. (Source: HubSpot) [tweet this]
  4. The top 3 metrics used to track email marketing success are click-throughs, conversions, & click-to-open rates. (Source: Pardot) [tweet this]

Email Marketing Format and Design

  1. Emails with social sharing buttons increase click-through rates by 158%. (Source: Social Fresh) [tweet this]
  2. 88% prefer to receive HTML emails vs. 12% who prefer plain text from companies. (Source: HubSpot) [tweet this]
  3. Design and content are the most time-consuming email activity for marketers, and it is taking away from spending time on testing and optimization. (Source: Mark the Marketer) [tweet this]
  4. Marketers report that their top three uses for email are newsletters 66%, promotional content 54%, and welcome series emails 42%. (Source: ExactTarget) [tweet this]
  5. The top 3 most effective emails are mobile opt-ins (76%), birthday emails (75%), & transactional emails (74%). (Source: Pardot) [tweet this]

Email Marketing Sending Time and Frequency

  1. Saturday has the highest CTR at over 9% (Sunday is second, just under 9%) for consumer email campaigns. (Source: HubSpot) [tweet this]
  2. Triggered email messages yield 71% higher open rates and 102% higher click rates than non-triggered email messages. (Source: Epsilon) [tweet this]
  3. 6 AM has the highest CTR of any hour. (Source: HubSpot) [tweet this]
  4. 14% of all opens and clicks on a mobile device occurred from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. The second-biggest peak, at 12%, occurred between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. (Source: TailoredMail) [tweet this]
  5. 91% of people check their email daily. (Source: Exact Target) [tweet this]
  6. The 9 am click-through rates outperformed the 12 pm emails by 10% and gained 15% more clicks than the 4 pm time slot. The 12 pm emails only outperformed the 4 pm email by 6%. (Source: MarketingSherpa) [tweet this]
  7. Most unsubscriptions happen on Tuesdays with a 0.52% unsubscribe rate. (Source: HubSpot) [tweet this]
  8. Saturday has the highest CTR at over 9% (Sunday is second, just under 9%) for consumer email campaigns. (Source: HubSpot) [tweet this]
  9. 76% of email opens occur in the first two days after an email is sent. Email open rates are noticeably lower on weekends than on weekdays. (Source: Mark the Marketer) [tweet this]
  10. 69% of subscribers say that too many emails are the number reason they unsubscribe from the email. (Source: Chadwick Martin Bailey) [tweet this]
I hope you find these email marketing stats helpful. I would love to hear your comments or If you have any additional stats to add to this list, drop a line in the comment box below.
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