HubSpot Platform Blog

Which Version of HubSpot Operations Hub is Right for You?

Written by Ranya Barakat | May 16, 2022 9:11:28 AM

The first thing you should know is that there is no one answer that works for everyone reading this blog. That would be simply impossible, and if there was a version superior to the rest, would it then be necessary to have other alternatives? The reality is the answer you least want to hear: it depends. It depends on the needs of your company, the size, the goals, and several other factors. In this post, we will tell you about the different versions and what each one can do for you. Once you have the information, it will be easier to make a decision.

HubSpot's Operations Hub was designed as a solution for companies with an aggressive growth plan who run into a disconnect between the data and information and each area of the company. Ops Hub had barely been on the market for 1 year when it became a fundamental piece for expanding companies.

Initially designed with RevOp teams in mind, the group behind this software understood that today, creating a new business is not the challenge, but achieving sustainable scalability is.

Why? Think of it like this.

A company starts with a clean slate and a new team with strategic people in each key position. As the business begins to develop, each of these area leaders (be it marketing, sales, or customer service) begins to purchase the tools that interest them the most and that have worked for them in the past. However, there is no real concern as to what the other teams are hiring and how the tools will be integrated in the future. Everyone suffers from departmental blindness that prevents them from seeing the big picture. As the company grows, the information is practically incompatible; everyone has their own data and there are no clear KPIs to help make strategic decisions for the company as a whole.

This is the moment where companies realize the importance of having a specific area dedicated to the general operations to streamline processes and unify the technology used, so the data flows more organically and efficiently. 

Ops Hub is created specifically to make life easier in this area. There are companies that do not have a budget to create a new department, but with the correct tool, could still receive better results. This is where the Opss Hub shines.

What are the strengths of the Operations Hub?


1. Data Synchronization

This allows for a native connection between HubSpot and other external data sources in a simple and effective way, saving you hours of exporting and importing spreadsheets.

This functionality can synchronize over 90 different integrations ranging from email marketing tools to ERP. One of the greatest advantages is that, unlike traditional integrations that were unidirectional, this is bidirectional, passing information between both systems. In addition, it is constantly synchronized, even when it is unactivated, keeping the information as up-to-date as possible.

The best part? This feature is included starting from the free version.

2. Programmable Automations

This gives workflows in HubSpot much more flexibility since it allows you to further customize the experience, adapting to more complex workflows and removing the dependency on pre-established software flows.

This is achieved through 3 key functions:

  1. Custom actions with code
  2. Custom actions with webhooks
  3. Custom actions with bots

This can be used to create efficient automation that allows you to get more out of the tool, either by programming your own actions or with the help of existing alternatives.

This tool is only available from the Professional version of the Operations Hub and up.

3. Automatic Database Clean Up

One of the main headaches of working with data is the maintenance that the bases require to remain in optimal conditions. That is why a CRM that is “cleaned” is something that seems to come out of a fairy tale. With some automated flows, you can create a self-maintaining system that updates data like dates, formats, phone numbers, and more, allowing your team to spend their time on more important tasks.

Automatic data cleaning is included from the Professional Operations Hub and up.

4. Data Sets

Scaling up generally means an increase in the complexity of the operation: more data, more fields, more objects, and more KPI. This makes databases seem like monsters that need to be tamed by a specialized team. Once that happens, your team can analyze the necessary data, remove bottlenecks, and limit the autonomy of different areas.

With data sets, you can design and curate different tables, so each user has the data they need and can work on their reports efficiently. This gives your team more time to analyze data instead of spending it filtering and searching for the necessary information.

Another advantage of data sets is how they open up the possibility of calculating formulas directly in HubSpot reports, preventing you from having to add additional fields to your CRM.

Datasets are a very advanced feature that can only be found in the Enterprise version of the Operations Hub.

So, Which Version is Right for You?


The Free Plan

One of the great advantages of HubSpot is that it allows you to get to know its products in depth without having to commit to a large contract for thousands of dollars. In fact, its free version is more than enough for several companies because unlike other products on the market, the free version of the Operations Hub does not really have a fine print that limits you. 

As mentioned before, the free version has one of the most sought-after features of this Hub, the data synchronization that works in a bidirectional way. With this small change (which will not cost you anything), you can significantly enhance your CRM since you will be able to keep the information flowing between different platforms, preventing data silos from being generated or the information becoming out of date once it reaches your CRM.

Therefore, if you are a company that is just starting out or still has a simple operation, you can use the Operations Hub without spending a penny, getting what you need to automate processes and keep information relevant and up-to-date, freeing your team of functions that do not add value to your company.

Starter (from $45 a month)

Basically, the only difference between the free version and this first paid level is the ability to create custom field mapping. In other words, if your company has simple processes that do not require customization and can work perfectly with the mappings and fields that HubSpot already includes, you can do without this version. You could start with the free one and try this product for a 14-day trial to see if it is beneficial to you.

On the other hand, if your processes and fields are a bit out of the ordinary, no matter how small the deviation is, then the Starter option makes much more sense for your company. The tool is at an extremely low cost. At just $45 a month, you will receive the features of the free version plus custom field mapping.

Professional (from $720 a month)

The gap between the Starter version and this one is much larger, not only in terms of budget but also in terms of features. As its name indicates, this is a package that focuses on larger companies whose operation already has a considerable degree of complexity.

If your business is growing fast and some of your processes are limiting this growth, then investing $720 a month can make all the difference. With the Professional tier, you have all the aforementioned benefits and your tool becomes more powerful thanks to automation and data cleaning.

With programmable automation and bots, you can give your flows greater agility by creating actions and reactions that optimize the operation of your team. For example, when a deal is closed, you can automatically generate a new proposal for the same client, but automatically remove the discounted price you gave them at the beginning. You can also use these tools to enrich your CRM records when using data from external applications and third parties.

In addition, the automated data cleaning tool guarantees you a better database to work with, preventing your team from wasting time with the wrong clients and prospects.

Enterprise (from $2,000 a month)

The most complete version of the Ops Hub is designed for much larger companies with a massive amount of data because beyond some additional automation, this level revolves around reporting, which is especially complex for businesses of this size. 

Intended for companies where every group needs a specific set of data, the data sets feature helps make information digestible while calculating and estimating properties directly in the Hub, giving area leaders greater visibility into the challenges lying ahead.

As you can see, the great advantage of HubSpot's plans is that they are designed to be modular and grow with your business. In addition, the option of having a fully functional free version is a good place to start and see if it really is what you need. I'll give you the answer, you probably do. From there, you can evolve to the Hub that meets your needs.

Even with the possibility of having this software free of charge, you may still have doubts as to whether it is really what you need or you may believe that some of the benefits from the paid plans are not necessary for your company. If this quantity of information has left you with more questions than answers, you can schedule a call with me. I’m happy to learn about the current situation of your company and where you want to go in the future to give you personalized advice about the best alternative for your business.