HubSpot Platform Blog

How we improved the sales efficiency for Rentokil

Written by Ranya Barakat | Jul 4, 2021 4:17:00 PM

Rentokil is specialized in pest control with more than 100 years in the market and with a presence in more than 80 countries worldwide.

Here is the story! Rentokil Mexico's services include: pest control and a new line of preventive hygiene, launched in response to the current pandemic as 97% of its business come from the hotel, oil, restaurant, and cinema industries.

The challenge

In the ten countries where Rentokil has a presence, the company's management in Latam decided to use an Inbound Marketing approach. One of the problems was that for lead management there was a challenge adopting HubSpot's CRM as a core tool.

Rentokil employed several systems and dispersed data. As a result, it wasn't easy to keep track of each lead and opportunity's status. The marketing team wanted to do all it took to get high-quality leads for salespeople.

"We used a CRM, but it didn't fit with our sales process, so we had to use different systems to extract the sales data we wanted and then combine it." Luis Noya, Sales Manager.

The sales reps wanted to use automation technologies to help them work and close more deals faster. Previously, the sales team did not have access to information about whether or not prospects received their quote, if they were interested in it and whether they engaged with the company website or emails.

Information overload, a lack of reporting standards, and an inadequate IT infrastructure led to inefficiencies. In addition, a lack of unified data management meant that the organization could not coach or make data-driven decisions because they didn't have a single source of accurate and up-to-date information.

The solution:

The solution was to convert their existing CRM with SalesHub Professional, set it up to reflect their current sales process, and then train the salespeople and managers to use HubSpot in their daily operations.

We created a HubSpot account for every sales representative to follow up on leads, make appointments, and close deals. 

As the sales team uses HubSpot, all engagements with prospects get recorded in HubSpot. In addition, real-time reporting dashboards provided insights for sales managers about the health of their sales pipeline.

We added the HubSpot tracking code on the Rentokil website, allowing the Rentokil marketing team to develop a complete picture of their website traffic sources and marketing activities' performance. This assisted them in doubling down on marketing activities that generate sales-ready leads.

We created a migration plan for HubSpot without interrupting its existing sales operations. We moved their current database (customers, companies, deals, and products). All of their sales data is in one location, as it was previously impossible to keep track of them with their outdated technology.

We collaborated with the sales staff to document and optimize their sales process and build automation workflows in HubSpot for sending reminders creating tasks. For example, enrolling prospects in automated email sequences made them more efficient and saved time.

Sales leaders need total visibility into sales metrics--without waiting in line for help from an admin or analyst.

We used HubSpot's sales reporting software to offer Rentoki sales executives detailed insights into the sales pipeline to help accurately predict performance and train their team to achieve their objectives.

Using the data in Rentokil CRM, reports in HubSpot were tied to the sales process and provided insight into their pipeline's performance.

We used calculated properties in HubSpot to set up custom equations based on the number of properties. We used the calculated properties on a deal level to calculate essential metrics such as commissions and service time.

The result:

The sales pipeline velocity increased, and salespeople's time was optimized so that they could focus on what truly matters: selling. In addition, sales automation allowed them to save time by executing more sales activities per day than ever.

The introduction of email templates was another notable development, instead of letting each salesperson communicate as they wished, helping with a more unified communication style and voice.

Having this data and visibility in HubSpot meant a better understanding of the processes for the management team since they stopped relying on salespeople's instincts as a source of information and instead utilized the data in HubSpot CRM.

"We don't have to guess whether salespeople are executing their daily sales activities or not; we can see it right in HubSpot. This allows us to ensure that the sales team is engaging with prospects to meet our annual revenue objectives." Luis Noya, Sales Manager.

This clarity on salespeople's activities and performance empowered the management team since they now know the number and kind of interactions with prospects and whether they follow up promptly.

The impact:

Unlike the old CRM, HubSpot allows for customized follow-up for each customer based on their inquiries and assistance in making a buying decision.

Before migrating to HubSpot, the sales team used different documents and sheets, which was a problem to locate or extract any information from, now everything is recorded in HubSpot. 

The following graph depicts how much money the firm earns at each stage of the sales process. It is now feasible to generate a precise forecast and compare revenue growth against sales team activities.

All sales activity and tasks are recorded in HubSpot to provide continuity. The result is significant time savings every day.

"We just implemented HubSpot in May, so let's go for more!". Luis Noya, Sales Manager.

In this other graph, the behavior of the sales objectives is reflected, i.e., whether they were met (or not) and on what dates. With this information available, Rentokil Mexico can now detect what is happening with its commercial efforts over time.

At the start, the implementation of new processes implied additional work to team Rentokil which was frustrating. However, in a short time, we managed to convert the Rentokil Mexico team into true HubSpot promoters. With technology and CRM Toolbox expertise, it was possible to improve sales processes and create new business opportunities. Once they migrated to HubSpot and began to use all the features that the platform offers, they discovered that a CRM should be much more than a repository of contacts. CRM Toolbox helped not only to implement the tool but also to change the way of working and generating clients for this company.

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