HubSpot Platform Blog

Why You Need HubSpot Sales Hub Enterprise

Written by Ranya Barakat | Oct 10, 2022 3:55:07 PM

Do you know how much time your sales team spends selling? If you answered most business hours, then you have come across a mistake that most companies live by. According to this HubSpot survey of entrepreneurs in the US and Europe, two-thirds of their time is wasted on repetitive tasks that could be automated. In a year, more than 2,000 working hours are spent on tasks that are definitely not selling.

Imagine all that they could achieve if you gave them back ⅔ of their day, How many more sales would they close? What would a normal day be like for them? How could they use their spare time? How much more profitable would you be? What would the final experience of your customers be like?

When your sales team spends two thirds of their time doing things that do not have a direct impact on sales, your ability to grow and scale intelligently becomes decimated. So no matter how skilled your employees are, they will always be limited if they are performing monotonous tasks that have no business value.

One of the main reasons for sales teams to spend so much time on unproductive tasks is their company’s tech stack and tools. Oftentimes, a business’ tools aren’t connected, meaning someone has to manually connect and organize information. 

When a CRM is complicated, it is most likely underutilized or not used properly, which damages the productivity of the company, leading to the loss of potential sales.

What do you Need?

You cannot increase your sales and grow your business exponentially without the following:

  • Good infrastructure: This is a single source of truth when it comes to customer data. It guarantees a better customer experience at every point of interaction with your brand and a powerful yet easy-to-use CRM that allows you to automate repetitive tasks, train teams on scale, create quotes and invoices, accurately predict sales, and reduce the overall cost of acquiring each customer.
  • More productivity: Improve the productivity of each sales representative so that they spend more time selling and less time on tasks that do not really correspond to them and do not add value to their work.
  • Better results: They are achieved with an increase in the conversion rate which translates into more sales. Increasing the flow of prospects to have a larger and better volume of prospects and improving the total customer lifetime value, maintains more loyal customers.

Why Could HubSpot Sales Hub Enterprise be Right for You?

Custom Objects 

Custom objects are one of the most important features in the HubSpot Sales Hub, completely changing how this CRM is used. Hubspot used to allow users to categorize their contact information into Name, Company, Sales, and Tickets. Now, with custom objects, everything changes. You can create properties that align with the needs of your business and your flows, truly creating a custom CRM. For example, you can add objects such as subscriptions or special events, giving your sales team more freedom to adapt the tool to their processes and not vice versa.

And, being a relatively new feature (a couple of years old), many argue that we haven't quite used it to its full potential. With these types of objects, you can ensure that the data will be structured exactly as you need it, helping it support the growth of your business. In addition, these custom objects can be measured independently, giving your collaborators the information that is relevant to them, in the way they need it.

Analytics and Projections 

Feeding it the right data, HubSpot's Sales Hub Enterprise is a great tool for measuring goals, but more importantly, predicting future performance and getting a glimpse of what sales trends may look like in the near future. With this Hub, you have access to 25 personalized reports, which is an incredible increase from the 10 reports in the Professional version of the Hub. This variety of reports gives your sales team broader visibility of their performance and, as you know, only what is measured is what can be improved. Reports here include call performance reports, meeting results, the number of tasks performed, and more.

Having this information so easily accessible and so visually simple to digest is key. If the company's goals are not being achieved, having access to a clear and organized course of what is currently happening can allow for the right adjustments. The more informed the decisions your employees make, the better they will be.

In addition to having a visual of what is happening at the moment, the Enterprise tier also has sales projection algorithms, which illustrate the present as well as the future. With the projections tool, your sales team will be able to make changes where necessary within the sales flow, increase resources where they are needed, and aim for goals more realistically.


One of the best tools for your sales team is playbooks that help your prospects throughout their purchase process with your brand. The best thing part is how you can make playbooks in 4 different ways:

  • From Scratch: Here, you can start with a blank project and add the instructions and questions that you think are relevant
  • Call Playbook: This is ideal for creating scripts and helping your sales team have richer conversations that add value to their processes.
  • How Do You Do It?: These are step-by-step manuals that help the prospect or client learn about a product or service.
  • Sales by Type of Account: This is based on ABM (account-based marketing). This kind of manual explains how to approach accounts or companies instead of specific people or prospects.

With these four manual options, you immediately get a strong push for your sales team. Your team will be equipped with tools that allow them to give more accurate answers during meetings and calls, have better implementation processes with new clients, and always give better solutions to clients. This all translates into more closed sales and scalable growth.


While everyone in the company should have a single source of truth (the CRM in this case), not everyone in the company needs the same access to the data that is housed there. Hierarchies can be extremely useful in companies that have different brands and teams, as only the right people have access to certain information. The hierarchy can be by team, region, business unit, brand, or any other division that works for you.

Multi-Contact Attribution

We all know that the closing call is not the only one that leads to the closing of the sale. Sales close with a culmination of the entire sales process and through flows with many points of contact through different media. With multi-contact attribution, you can assign different values ​​to each stage of the purchase funnel and always be clear about the weight/impact that each activity is having on your sales.

Better Interaction

More timely and accurate communications based on customer timing leads to a better overall experience, which can translate into higher revenue. A good shopping experience is obtained thanks to sales sequences, where personalized content nurtures prospects into customers and customers into promoters.

Your team can analyze how the customer is interacting with these communications by knowing if an email was opened or not, at what time, if the content was downloaded, etc. This information is valuable when complemented with actions. For example, the moment a customer downloads a guide can be the trigger to schedule a follow-up call or having a customer who opens multiple emails without interacting with them indicates that something is missing from the content.

Prospect Qualification

One of the ways to make your business more efficient is to know which leads are most likely to convert, and with HubSpot's Sales Hub Enterprise lead scoring tool, you can let machine learning algorithms do just that. A vital feature of this tool is its artificial intelligence. The more it is used, the more accurate it becomes. Qualifying your prospects allows your team to focus on follow-up strategies, and optimizing the operation.

It also saves your sales team from wasting time chasing down prospects who either have no real intention of becoming a customer or simply need a lot more nurturing time in their buying journey and don't necessarily need to be contacted right now.

This tool facilitates the operation and helps to optimize it, focusing efforts where they generate the most value for the company.

Product Library

This is especially useful for companies that have a vast catalog of products or services. A product library allows the sales team to have easy access to a large amount of unique and well-organized information which they can turn to at any time in the sales process. In addition, you will be able to have the performance analytics of each of the products, giving you a look at what needs to be improved or changed and which products generate the best results.

Quote based workflows

The time your salespeople used to waste preparing quotes and business proposals can now be used to sell more. With automated flows, it is possible to create commercial proposals combined with sequences that automate what previously had to be done manually. When it is part of an automated flow, you are guaranteed that no quotes are left behind due to a lack of follow-up. Furthermore, the process can lead up to HubSpot Payments, a tool that allows you to create payment links embedded directly in quotes and emails for better conversion.

Still Not Convinced?

It is normal to still have doubts as to whether this is the best option for your company. The answer lies more in the current size of your business and how much value you can get from these tools. Not all teams will benefit the most from this type of product, but sometimes it can be that extra push that your company needs to jump to the next level.

However, if you still have questions or need to clarify some points before hiring a service as powerful as the HubSpot Sales Hub Enterprise, schedule a call with me. Let's talk about what your needs, pains, and challenges are. I would love to hear about your business and try to discover which solution will bring you the most benefits.