5 Best Features of HubSpot CRM

5 Best Features of HubSpot CRM


March 09, 2017

A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) can benefit a company in so many ways that it almost becomes necessary in most of them, but are you using the most out of the tool you currently have in your business?

HubSpot’s CRM, also known as HubSpot Sales, delivers an automated experience for sales teams, as it helps them track, manage, and communicate with leads, prospects, and customers in a simpler, more intuitive way. Not only that, but it’s also the base of task management and reporting.

Contact timeline

You can create segmented lists of contacts within the tool, tag them as customers or leads, and qualify them along with the marketing and sales pipeline. Your contacts can have different attributes depending on their needs and place within the buyers’ journey and information such as company and position.

What’s more: if you are lucky, and your lead has given you, for instance, a corporate email address, the software cross-checks, and references with the Google suite, to provide you additional information about the company, such as size, annual revenue, and description.

Hubspot Crm Contact timeline

By doing so, this CRM opens the possibility for you to get to know every single contact, assigning them unique features for segmentation, resulting in a more personalized approach to how you communicate with them.

Interactive email capabilities

With automation, the contact list is not the same. Not only can you customize every new email according to each prospect’s stage on the buyer’s journey, but you also have a record of every email and how they interacted with it.

Sales teams can analyze which emails were received, opened, read, clicked, or bounced. At the same time, every interaction is registered. As a result, it is easier for any sales representative to identify how these people turned into leads and what path leads them to open a deal.

Inbound Sales Interactive email capabilities

Behavior-based sequences

To further improve the use of emails, the CRM creates workflows called sequences that will give continuity to sales’ approach to customers based on their behavior.

After creating an email template, assigning it to a sequence and a contact list, you can instruct the tool to take different approaches depending on the customer’s behavior, such as sending a follow-up email to a prospect that hasn’t opened the previous email.

You can follow up with offers to catch their attention or ask why the first email was not of interest to them. The best of all is that you can work all that from each contact page.

An easy to use deals manager

When all efforts begin showing results, deals and opportunities appear on the CRM, which triggers a process to start doing business. Within the CRM, sales teams can create deals and opportunities to track their pipeline. These can be assigned to individual contacts or companies by only typing the value and a name for the deal.

The sale stage can be managed by a simple drag and drop and can be updated depending on how advanced the deal is. The CRM is customizable to your sales cycle, and therefore gives you the ability to follow the entire process, as an example, from an initial meeting to qualification, presentation scheduled, decision-maker bought-in, contact sent, and closing the deal as won or lost. Remember that each of these stages is customizable to your sales cycle - your process.

These steps can be moved freely and will improve the tracking of results and ROI.

Hubspot CRM easy to use deals manager

A sales pipeline visualization

These elements work towards the same goal: generate leads, close them as customers, and achieve a higher ROI. The HubSpot Sales dashboard illustrates your Sales Pipeline with live results, earnings, investments, and performance. The system will calculate how much you earned in a particular period and the cost per lead, cost per customer and deal, and other customizable KPIs with all the previous data.

By doing so, you will be able to check, evaluate, and make decisions based on your current inbound sales strategy's real-time performance and make improved decisions on where changes need to be made, knowing exactly which areas of the pipeline have space for improvement.

A sales pipeline visualization

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My name is Izzy and I am a co-founder of CRM Toolbox, an award-winning HubSpot Solutions Partner. I lead our team of consultants who provide professional guidance to help businesses implement the HubSpot CRM platform migrate, integrate their tech stack to HubSpot to create a seamless environment for sales reps to use. There is nothing I love more than solving the challenges that come up when someone wants to migrate an old system or integrate their tech stack with HubSpot - it's like a puzzle!

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