Digital Marketing Trends in Chile

Digital Marketing Trends in Chile

Ranya Barakat

May 17, 2016

We know that investment in digital marketing is on the rise, and we need to appeal to real benefits. However, what do we write about? Ann Handley (@MarketingProfs), the author of the bestselling book Everybody Writes, calls for a review to content writers: they have to be real and strategic.

Digital marketing in Chile received excellent news. According to IAB Chile (Interactive Advertising Bureau), the investment in online advertising in Chile grew 24% in 2015.

According to the last report from this institution, investing in digital reached CLP 105,376mn (USD 155,000), which represents a growth of over CLP 2,000mn (nearly US$3,000) since 2014, and a continual increase in rates for over 20%.

These figures reveal and support the importance of digital marketing within the realm of investment for advertisement in Chile.

According to the Chilean Undersecretariat of Telecommunications (Subtle), today, there are 76 internet connections for every 100 inhabitants. Rodrigo Saavedra, manager of IAB Chile, stated that the key to success in interactive marketing in 2016 is content. “Formats such as digital video will have an active role, thanks to their dynamic character, while key influencers will only be relevant if they are hand in hand with content that appeals to concrete benefits, beyond the description of products.”

We know that investment in digital marketing is on the rise and that we need to appeal to the down to at pain points. However, what do we write about? Ann Handley (@MarketingProfs), the author of the bestselling book  Everybody Writes, calls the industry to attention:

“Everyone said Content Marketing had such potential. Everyone said it was the hope for the future that would save marketing from itself. Everyone said Content was the very thing that would align storytellers, artists, writers, technologists, and analysts. Everyone said he or she’d all work together to create marketing that doesn’t feel like marketing.”

“So what happened to all that? The promise? The hope? The plan? In the harsh morning light of 2016, Content Marketing realized that somewhere along the way… it got lost. It got distracted. Content Marketing admitted to itself that it had been impulsive and immature and short-sighted and (sometimes) lazy.”

The author sentenced: content marketing needs a digital marketing strategy - a real one. It implies planning, processes, frameworks, creativity, and metrics in place to legitimize itself.

 What can we do in Chile then?

Analyze our consumers before appealing to them. In a survey of access, users, and uses of the internet in Chile, the Subtle figures provide signals of what consumers do and want through the web.

  1. One out of three Chileans considers searching information as the most significant activity in the past twelve months: the use of the internet to communicate is the priority for many. However, 32% of respondents claim that the most important thing they do on the web is acquiring information” is a call for our attention. We are called to offer it through Inbound Marketers.


Source: designed by IDS Agency with data from Subtel-“Sexta Encuesta sobre Acceso, Usos y Usuarios de Internet en Chile”.

  1. Chileans look to educate themselves: 10% of Chileans say that the most important activity they’ve done on the internet is looking for some information, and 8,13 % claim its use as a priority to do reports for their job. In comparison, 7,67% use it in the first place to do reports or courses or qualifications.


Source: designed by IDS Agency with data from Subtel-“Sexta Encuesta sobre Acceso, Usos y Usuarios de Internet en Chile”.

As the studies show, everyone is online to research or engage with other users and businesses.

👉  Related post: What is The Buyer's Journey and How to Use it in Your Marketing

These people are located mainly in the Awareness stage of the Buyer Journey. They are experiencing symptoms of a problem or an opportunity, and they do educational research to understand them better. They can:

  • Log into social media such as Facebook, Twitter, or Linkedin to see what approaches their peers or decision-makers take with a given challenge, ask questions, and engage in conversations. 
  • Send and receive emails from friends, colleagues, experts, and businesses to discuss certain worries on a more personal note.
  • Log into a Whatsapp forum of peers, colleagues, or followers of a given radio or tv show, provide opinions and receive updates in real-time about their day-to-day pain points and concerns.
  •  Browse randomly on the world wide web to see what is going on in their industry.
  • Download statistics, news, or reports to incorporate business reports or class assignments where they face a challenge that a given product or service could address.  

Our job, as inbound marketers, is to engage with buyers in every stage of their buyer journey by providing them with educational and relevant content.

  1. 2 out of 3 Chileans are attentive to channels where content marketing is offering value: 16,44% of respondents consider using social media their most valuable tool in utilizing the internet. Another 16,2% put email as their priority use. However, there is a long tail of activities directly or indirectly linked with the value propositions from companies to customers: ebooks, online courses, looking for new clients, and research to buy goods or services.


Source: designed by IDS Agency with data from Subtel-“Sexta Encuesta sobre Acceso, Usos y Usuarios de Internet en Chile”.

Undoubtedly: there is indeed interest in the content and the potential to use content marketing. However, the pain points of potential customers are evident from these figures. Therefore, we need to take care of them.

How can your company use its expertise to educate its potential customers? 

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Ranya Barakat

Ranya is a serial entrepreneur with over 11 years of experience working on the HubSpot CRM. She is a tech geek with a passion for solving problems for customers. She loves pushing her sleeves up , and getting s*** done. When she is not running her Global services team, you can find her upside down on her yoga mat.

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